Cara Paling Manjur Agar Blog / Website Diindex Oleh Google hanya dalam bebrapa menit saja dengan menggunakan Googlebot, getting a site post or page crawled by a Googlebot spider in just a couple of hours or, at the very least, get the Googlebot to come and say hello? It really doesn’t matter if the site in question is new or old, it only needs to be a site of low or no PR and, this method can be employed by any site with a page rank of zero or less strait up to a page rank of 6 or even higher.
If you’re a WordPress fan you have probably heard of the Google Sitemaps Plugin by Arne Brachhold. An excellent utility that much like the Google Site Map Generator by SOFTplus (both now also for YAHOO!) adhere to and utilize the xml site map protocols defined over at Now the best thing about these two programs is they both create the xml.gz file. This file type employs a slight compression for fast uploading by the Googlebot. What’s good about this is Google’s want to be pinged. In fact Google wants to be made aware of your new information so badly that, once your site is indexed, you can see your post or page in the index in mere hours.
Lalu bagaimana yang Cara Paling Manjur Agar Blog / Website Diindex Oleh Google??? Cara mudah saja tinggal di ping menggunakan format berikut: >>>
Tinggal Copy dan Paste aja URL berikut ini pada browser anda dan ganti URL nya dengan URL website / blog anda.
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